
Invisible Man
How does the invisible man sleep? πŸ€”πŸ˜΄πŸ‘οΈπŸ«₯
Have you ever wondered: When the invisible man closes his eyes, does he still see? Join me and tell me what you think!
The paradox of the invisible man sparks profound reflections on philosophy, design, and the very nature of invisibility. How does this affect identity and intuitive design? Join the conversation about what is not seen at first glance. πŸ’­
julibe #julibe #InvisibleDesign #Paradoxes #Reflection #InvisibleMan #Creativity #UnansweredQuestions #Invisibility #Exploration #IntuitiveDesign #Identity #Film #Literature #InvisiblePowers #Conversation #foryou

Day: February 1, 2023

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